So, a rare Owen-lite episode. He only appeared in two-three scenes; I guess Rob Lowe was busy elsewhere?
It WAS a decent episode, I will say. I didn't hate the TK might have Huntington's storyline, though he definitely was overreacting before there was any confirmation, but that's also just TK. He spirals when something looks bad, so it made sense, but I did like Carlos' response. It's one of the few times I was really invested in a Carlos/TK scene. I'm mostly fine with them, but don't usually care one way or the other. I think both actors did a great job with their scenes.
Judd vs Tommy isn't what I expected. I see both points, but I think Judd was worried about the fire chief finding out anyway (since they had to include the amputation in the incident report) and he was trying to make sure neither got in trouble. That just spiraled into Tommy thinking that Judd was trying to pull rank and act like he knew better, and then Judd made the mistake in making it personal in any way. I can see where the issue spiraled.
I did thoroughly enjoy the Judd/Grace and Tommy/Trevor date nights, especially the dinner scene where Grace and Trevor ended up fighting.
Once again, very little of the B Team besides their one scene where they're fighting. But otherwise, a solid episode. I'm mildly surprised they've injured Wyatt; it feels like a waste now to have him work to be a firefighter, something he never wanted until his last appearance, only to have him likely have that path taken away because of an accident. Maybe if we saw Wyatt between that first episode and now, there'd be more sadness over the potential loss of his career path, but we've really jumped ahead.
Owen's minimal presence worked. I did like his scenes with Robert and I'm not too surprised by Robert's ask. I assumed it might go that way.