Ark Pass 2 Rewards in Lost Ark

Posted by Chauncey Koziol on Saturday, August 31, 2024
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Full List And Reward Details

The Ark Pass 2 “Song of Respite and Glory” began on October 12, 2022 in Lost Ark. An Ark Pass works like a Battlepass in other games: You unlock more and more rewards by playing the game. If you opt-in for a paid Ark Pass you’ll get additional rewards (see “Premium” and “Super Premium” columns).

Full Ark Pass 2 Rewards List

Update: Ark Pass 2 is now live in the western version of Lost Ark. The rewards list is already up to date.

Ark Pass 2 offers the following rewards in NA/EU:

A big shoutout to Without their database and data mining, this list would not have been possible.

Is The Ark Pass 2 Premium Worth It?

Whether the Ark Pass 2 is worth it or not, depends heavily on your Roster. The mats are bound to your roster and can not be sold for gold on the market. Therefore, the calculated value is what you would need to spend to buy these mats – not gold you earn by using the Ark Pass.

Free Pass

ItemMarket Value
22,500 Guardian Stones5,625
(or 4,500 Destruction Stones)
24,000 Honor Shards6,240
90 Greater Honor Leapstone3,420
1,600,000 Silver
50 Pheons9,400
230 Basic Oreha Fusion Material2,300
245 Solar Grace10,952
Total value*:36,937

Premium Pass

ItemMarket Value
37,250 Guardian Stones9,313
(or 12,250 Destruction Stones)
24,000 Honor Shards6,240
200 Greater Honor Leapstone7,600
460 Basic Oreha Fusion Material4,600
110 Solar Grace4,917
7x Legendary-Epic Card Pack
Total value*:32,670

* The market value depends on your region. These values are based on EUC. The real value is even a bit higher, because the Gem Chests and Battle Item Chests aren’t included.

Overview Rewards & Cost

The Premium Pass gives you:

  • Materials with a value of 32,670 gold (with current EUC prices)
  • 7x Legendary-Epic Card Pack
  • A mount

The Premium Pass costs 1,500 Royal Crystals. If you would convert the 1,500 RC to gold (in Lost Ark’s Currency Exchange) you would only get 12,618 gold.

By buying in Mari’s Secret Shop or buying and selling skins you could make more gold, but probably not close to the value of the Premium Pass.


  • If you were to spend 15 $ in Lost Ark and you need honing mats, the Ark Pass 2 Premium is a good deal.
  • If you only tap with bound leapstones and you have enough shards and stones, the value is mostly reduced to the fusion material and 7 card packs. In this case it is not an overwhelming amount of value for 15 $.
  • How Long is the Ark Pass 2 Available?

    Ark Pass 2 “Song of Respite and Glory” rewards can be earned from 2022/10/12 to 2023/01/18.

    However, the Premium Ark Pass and Superpremium Ark Pass can only be purchased until 2022/12/14..

    How Does the Ark Pass Work?

    • The Ark Pass consists of 30 levels.
    • By earning Ark XP, you level up.
    • At each level you can choose between two rewards.
    • If you have the Premium Ark Pass, you will receive an additional reward at each level.
    • If you have the Super Premium Ark Pass, you will receive an additional reward every 5 levels on top.

    What Ark Passes are Available?

    There are 3 Ark Passes available:

    • Free Ark Pass (every player has access to it)
    • Ark Pass Premium (1,500 Royal Crystals)
    • Ark Pass Super Premium (3,000 Royal Crystals)

    With the free Ark Pass, you can choose between two rewards at each level.

    If you have the Premium Ark Pass, you will receive an additional reward at each level. In most cases, this is again the honing material that is available in the free Ark Pass.

    With the Super Premium Ark Pass, you get all free and premium rewards per level. In addition, you get a special reward every 5 levels. Specifically, there are selection chests for the complete Respite And Glory skin set including weapon skins and the Void Hall wallpaper.

    When buying Ark Pass Premium or Super Premium you’ll immediately obtain 1,500 Ark XP!

    How to Earn Ark XP

    You collect Ark XP by completing Ark Pass missions. There are two types of missions here:

    • Normal missions (repeatable): Can be done up to max weekly XP for each character. Weekly XP increases as the season progresses.
    • Season missions: Can be completed once per season. Hidden missions will be revealed at a set date.

    Alternatively (or in addition) you can also buy Ark XP. 100 Ark XP costs 50 Crystals.

    Respite And Glory Skin Set

    The Respite and Glory skin set is available in either a white version (called “Glorious Melody” skin set) or a dark version (called “Restful Melody” skin set). You’ll find all details hier: Lost Ark Respite and Glory Skin Set.

    Void Hall Wallpaper

    This is the Void Hall wallpaper you’ll earn from the Super Premium Ark Pass 2 when reaching Level 5:

    Icebloom Deer Mount

    The Icebloom Deer Mount is available in five different color variants that can be chosen from the Icebloom Deer Selection Chest.

    The Icebloom Deer has three special animations:

    • [Q] Snowflake: “It lowers its head and shakes its body, scattering snowflakes.”
    • [W] Frost Festival: “It hops and bounces, popping snowflakes like fireworks.”
    • [E] Cool Pose: “It strikes a pose.”

    Tip: All Lost Ark Mounts in NA/EU.
