The Darkmoon Faire is back in town, and with it, so are the Darkmoon Faire achievements, toys, mounts, quests, and, of course, Deck Boxes and trinkets. Early in a World of Warcraft expansion, Darkmoon Decks and trinkets are great gear to increase your item level and start preparing for the release of raids.
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To get your hands on one of these, you’ll need to either complete daily quests on the Darkmoon Island and ride different carousels to get Visions Joker or buy recipes. Aside from that, you can always find tons of Darkmoon Deck trinkets selling on auction houses for a hefty price.
If you plan on visiting the Darkmoon Faire while they are still in town to gear up and get ready for season one, here’s the list of all Darkmoon Deck trinkets currently available in Dragonflight.
Darkmoon Deck Boxes in WoW Dragonflight
Darkmoon Deck Boxes are typically 350-item-level trinkets and are fairly weaker than the Dragonflight Darkmoon Decks.
Darkmoon Deck Box: Dance
- On-Use Effect: Refreshing Dance – Call a Refreshing Dance that bounces five to 12 times between friends and foes within zero to 25 yards dealing 9,435 Nature damage or 3,752 healing. The number of bounces is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (25 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Darkmoon Deck Box: Inferno
- On-Use Effect: Darkmoon Deck: Inferno – Hurl a Smoldering Inferno at the target that deals between 18,596 and 61,987 Fire damage. Damage dealt is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (40 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Darkmoon Deck Box: Rime
- On-Use Effect: Awakening Rime – Deal 15,715 Frost damage and apply Awakening Rime to your target for four to 12 seconds. If the target dies while Awakening Rime is active, it explodes for 39,286 Frost damage split between enemies in a 10-yard radius. Duration is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (30 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Darkmoon Deck Box: Watcher
- On-Use Effect: Watcher’s Blessing – Grants the Watcher’s Blessing for five to 12 seconds and an absorb shield for 51,191 damage. If the shield depletes while Watcher’s Blessing is active, gain 1296 versatility for the same duration. Duration is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (1.5 min cooldown)
Darkmoon Decks in WoW Dragonflight
Darkmoon Decks are item level 372.
Darkmoon Deck: Dance
- On-Use Effect: Refreshing Dance – Call a Refreshing Dance that bounces five to 12 times between friends and foes within 25 yards dealing 10,034 Nature damage or 4,701 healing. The number of bounces is determined by the top-most card of the deck. The number of bounces is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (25 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Darkmoon Deck: Inferno
- On-Use Effect: Darkmoon Deck: Inferno – Hurl a Smoldering Inferno at the target that deals between 23,295 and 77,651 Fire damage. Damage dealt is determined by the top-most card of the deck. Damage dealt is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (40 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Darkmoon Deck: Rime
- On-Use Effect: Awakening Rime – Deal 16, 711 Frost damage and apply Awakening Rime to your target for four to 12 seconds. If the target dies while Awakening Rime is active, it explodes for 41,777 Frost damage split between enemies in a 10-yard radius. Duration is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (30 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Darkmoon Deck: Watcher
- On-Use Effect: Watcher’s Blessing – Grants the Watcher’s Blessing for five to 12 seconds and an absorb shield for 62,837 damage. If the shield depletes while Watcher’s Blessing is active, gain 1,511 versatility for the same duration. Duration is determined by the top-most card of the deck. (1.5 min cooldown)
- Equip: Periodically shuffle the deck while in combat.
Best Darkmoon Deck Boxes and trinkets in WoW Dragonflight
When choosing Darkmoon Deck Boxes and trinkets in Dragonflight, you won’t have much choice since each trinket is designed for a specific role. If you’re a healer, you’ll look to buy the Dance trinket. The DPS classes can choose between the Inferno and Rime trinkets, and the final trinket, Watcher, is typically reserved for tanking classes. You’re still free to mix and match, but generally speaking, these trinkets will perform best if you pick up an appropriate trinket for your role.