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Nov. 16, 201712:26
Dumped: Nursing home evictions a reality for some poor patients
14:03Losing our religion: Finding meaning beyond the pew
09:58Army divers go deep In Puget Sound to target lost fishing nets
05:00Climate change: How did we get here?
01:52Why the Hawaii telescope protests aren’t going anywhere
10:20Detoxing in jail: Treating opioid use behind bars
09:31A different kind of force—Policing mental illness: Part 1
37:13A different kind of force—Policing mental illness: Part 2
30:10Escaping burnout: Using meditation to set a different course
07:26Tackling America's loneliness epidemic
10:22"Don't ask, don't tell" veteran becomes first Stonewall park ranger
10:01The real reason doctors burn out
13:49Hurricane-hit Florida Panhandle awaits aid as wildfire risk looms
06:51New York bodegas unite to bankrupt the New York Post
09:24Abortion back-up plan: Some women are ordering abortion pills online
13:08Battling the tech addiction that hijacked our brains
11:15Exploring new slang: What is 'zaddy'?
02:52Exploring new slang: What is 'gekyume'?
03:15Should life be this stressful?
08:39Exploring new slang: What is 'blockchain'?
Thousands claim to have Morgellons, a condition that allegedly causes fibers to grow out of the skin. A small team of researchers have linked it to Lyme disease, but here’s the thing: according to the Centers or Disease Control and Prevention and the majority of doctors, Morgellons does not exist, and there is “no common underlying medical condition” that explains reported symptoms. Most doctors believe that Morgellons patients are actually suffering from a delusional disorder — and Morgellons is not recognized in diagnostic manuals.Nov. 16, 2017
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Dumped: Nursing home evictions a reality for some poor patients
14:03Losing our religion: Finding meaning beyond the pew
09:58Army divers go deep In Puget Sound to target lost fishing nets
05:00Climate change: How did we get here?
01:52Why the Hawaii telescope protests aren’t going anywhere
10:20Detoxing in jail: Treating opioid use behind bars