Check out our comprehensive guide below detailing how many chapters there are in Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy.
First Published May 16, 2023, 23:47
The amount of awesome content and features that players can enjoy in Marvels's Guardians of The Galaxy is vast and expansive. And aside from the various side quests and goals to complete, the game boasts a lengthy main campaign consisting of multiple exciting and story-driven chapters.
So if you're looking to know exactly how many chapters there are and the details surrounding each one, then you're in luck. Below you can find a full breakdown of how many chapters there are in Guardians of The Galaxy.
Table of Contents
How Many Chapters Are in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy consists of a total of 16 chapters, along with an introductory prologue that precedes the first chapter. Each chapter sees the player take control of Peter Quill a.k.a "Star-Lord" as you venture throughout the galaxy on an epic adventure.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Chapter List
Below, you can find a comprehensive list of all the chapters in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Rest assured that the chapter titles do not contain any explicit spoilers and can simply be used to tell you how far you've come and how far you have left to go.
- Prologue – Meredith
- Chapter 1 – A risky gamble
- Chapter 2 – Busted
- Chapter 3 – The Cost of Freedom
- Chapter 4 – The Monster Queen
- Chapter 5 – Due or die
- Chapter 6 – Between a Rock and a hard place
- Chapter 7 – Canine Confusion
- Chapter 8 – The Matriarch
- Chapter 9 – Desperate Times
- Chapter 10 – Test of Faith
- Chapter 11 – Mind over Matter
- Chapter 12 – Knowhere to run
- Chapter 13 – Against all odds
- Chapter 14 – Into the Fire
- Chapter 15 – Broken Promise
- Chapter 16 – Magus
Each chapter builds on the previous one story-wise, and features tons of optional paths to take, allowing you to explore the world and the levels within the game. The chapters are fairly straightforward and won't be too confusing to navigate through, though it does get more and more challenging as you reach later levels, so be sure to prepare for your battles ahead of time.
So there you have it, a concise and quick breakdown of how many chapters there are in Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy. Be sure to explore each chapter thoroughly for more items, secrets, and content to enjoy, and stay safe out there fellow Star Lords.
Written by Shane Moosa
Shane started his career as a freelance writer for Gamezo while working full-time as a software developer. You can often find Shane trying his hand at no-hit runs of Souls Games such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 (and being quite unsuccessful). To relax, Shane will often boot up sessions of Overwatch 2 or Hunt: Showdown, but his interests are spread across various games, from AAA titles (He loved the Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake) to indies such as Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hades. Shane is always willing to try new games though, so feel free to drop him an email with what you think he should check out next.
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