Learn about batteries and how to use them in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
First Published May 16, 2023, 05:51
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the direct sequel to Breath of the Wild. Between the two games, there are a good amount of differences between the two games. For example, there are several powers in Tears of the Kingdom that give players a lot of freedom. Ultrahand is the best example of this
Ultrahand gives players the ability to create various objects and machines in the game to assist them with whatever they need. Sometimes, their creations will even be battery-powered. The battery feature is something that is completely new in Tears of the Kingdom. So here, we will teach you how to use the battery in Tears of the Kingdom.
How To Use The Battery In Tears Of The Kingdom
Very early on in Tears of the Kingdom, you will be gifted a battery to help fuel Zonai devices. For example, a Zonai fan will blow air in one direction and you can use that fan to propel a boat across water. So long as you have the Battery, Zonai devices will automatically work. That means that you do not necessarily have to do anything to use the battery other than find Zonai Devices that need power.
There are a lot of different Zonai Devices in Tears of the Kingdom. For example, there are fire emitters, fans, wheels, and a lot more. There is even a Zonai Battery as well that you can use on your machines. Just attach it to the machine and they will have a longer charge than usual. These items can be combined in different ways to make a lot of different vehicles. There is a lot of room to get creative in Tears of the Kingdom, so it is definitely worth experimenting.
How To Upgrade The Battery In Tears Of The Kingdom
Now upgrading the battery is something that all players will want to do early on. If you do not upgrade your battery, you might not get as far as you would like in Tears of the Kingdom. The main way you will upgrade your battery is through Zonaite. Zonaite can be farmed very easily in the Great Chasm that is in the game.
Once you collect enough, you will need to find a Forge Construct and convert the Zonaite into a Crystalized Charge. The Crystalized Charge can then be converted into an extra charge for your battery. Doing this will make your Ultrahand creations work longer than they would have before.