The Prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints underscored Easter Sunday as “the most important religious observance for followers of Jesus Christ” and the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as “the most important and transcendent event ever recorded on earth.”
And several members of the Church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles labeled Holy Week as “the most important week in human history” and Easter as the “most important holiday.”
Those emphatic superlatives came from President Russell M. Nelson and three latter-day Apostles — Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Elder Ronald A. Rasband and Elder Gary E. Stevenson — as they spoke this weekend during April 2023 general conference of the events, the doctrine and the many blessings associated with Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

‘I plead with you to come unto Him’
“One week from today is Easter Sunday,” said President Nelson in his conference-closing remarks on Sunday, April 2. “It is the most important religious observance for followers of Jesus Christ. The main reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Easter.”
The Prophet noted that the coming week’s “Come, Follow Me” lesson prompts study of the Savior’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His cleansing of the temple, His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, His Crucifixion, His glorious Resurrection and His subsequent appearances to His followers.
“Savor these sacred verses, and find every way you can to thank our Heavenly Father for sending us His Only Begotten Son,” President Nelson said. “Because of Jesus Christ, we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. Because of Him, each of us will be resurrected.”
He invited his listeners to also study the account of the Savior’s appearance to the Nephites in the Americas, as recorded in 3 Nephi, underscoring as well the Savior’s words of supplication prior to His appearance.
“Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you? … Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive” (3 Nephi 9:13-14).

Said President Nelson: “Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ extends that same invitation to you, today. I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you. He will heal you from sin as you repent. He will heal you from sadness and fear. He will heal you from the wounds of this world.”
Whatever questions or problems one has, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, he added. “Learn more about His Atonement, His love, His mercy, His doctrine and His restored gospel of healing and progression. Turn to Him. Follow Him.”
Earlier that day, in the Sunday morning session as he prepared to speak on avoiding conflict and contention and moving instead to compassion and reconciliation, he acknowledged Holy Week and Easter.
“Today is Palm Sunday,” he said. “We are preparing to commemorate the most important and transcendent event ever recorded on earth, which is the Atonement and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the best ways we can honor the Savior is to become a peacemaker.”
‘Let us resolve never to forget’
Elder Christofferson noted in his Sunday morning session remarks that the day was Palm Sunday, marking the start of Holy Week, which includes the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His suffering in Gethsemane and death on the cross and His glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
“Let us resolve never to forget what Christ endured to redeem us,” Elder Christofferson said. “And let us never lose the overwhelming joy we will feel once again on Easter as we contemplate His victory over the grave and the gift of universal resurrection.”
He noted the Passover meal Jesus shared with His apostles the evening before the trials and crucifixion that awaited Him. In the sacred Intercessory Prayer, Christ petitioned: “Holy Father, keep through thine own name [mine apostles] whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are” (John 17:11).

The Savior expanded His petition to include all believers, said Elder Christofferson, whose remarks were titled “One in Christ”: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us” (John 17:20-21).
“The Resurrection of Jesus Christ bears witness of His divinity and that He has overcome all things,” concluded Elder Christofferson. “His Resurrection bears witness that, bound to Him by covenant, we too may overcome all things and become one. His Resurrection bears witness that through Him, immortality and eternal life are realities.”
‘The most important week in human history’
In his Sunday afternoon session message titled “Hosanna to the Most High God,” Elder Rasband noted that Palm Sunday — in which throngs of worshippers at the gates of Jerusalem, holding palms and crying “Hosanna” to Jesus — “marked the beginning of the last week of the mortal ministry of Jesus Christ. It was the most important week in human history.”
Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the events of the week — closing with His Crucifixion and Resurrection — “exemplify doctrine we can apply in our lives today,” he added.
The lessons, Elder Rasband said, are to “embrace prophecy and prophetic teachings, act on promptings of the Holy Ghost, become a true disciple and seek the healing power of our Lord’s Atonement.”
He invited listeners to envision — and prepare for — a setting similar to Christ’s triumphant entry on Palm Sunday.
“Though we do not stand at the gates of Jerusalem today with palms in our hands,” Elder Rasband said, “the time will come when as prophesied in Revelation, ‘A great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues [will stand] before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands’” (Revelation 7:9).
‘The greatest Easter story ever told’
In his Saturday morning session remarks, Elder Stevenson acknowledged the recent letter from the First Presidency announcing Easter Sunday worship formats for wards, branches, families and individuals “to commemorate this most important holiday.” He called the letter “a wake-up call.”
“Not only did they invite all of us to make sure our celebration of the most important event ever to happen on this earth — the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ — include the reverence and respect the Lord deserves, they also gave us more time with our families and friends to do so on Easter Sunday.”
He posed the question: “How do we model the teaching and celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Easter story, with the same balance, fullness and rich religious tradition of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christmas story?”
Elder Stevenson and his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, contemplated how to increase scriptural attention to their Easter commemorations. They looked at the events and results of Easter and the Holy Week through the dual lenses of the cherished New Testament accounts and those in 3 Nephi, of the Savior speaking, appearing and ministering in His resurrected glory.

“In reality, the Book of Mormon shares the greatest Easter story ever told. Let it not be the greatest Easter story never told,” he said. “I invite you to look at the Book of Mormon in a new light and consider the profound witness it bears of the reality of the Risen Christ as well as the richness and depth of the doctrine of Christ. …
“His visit as a resurrected Savior, introduced by God the Father, is a most glorious and triumphant Easter message. It will help our families gain a personal testimony of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer, who broke the bands of death.”