They'd never do that to a Full Caster not called Bard. Doesn't matter if that caster could exploit the hell out of it. It's not even thematic. Yeah it goes a long way - GOOD - that subclass otherwise doesn't have great features! It just had cute utility and zero damage. Why shouldn't Barbarians be good at being Barbarians? Why do they need to be buffers and supporters?
Just look at the Wizard and Wizard subclasses. Wizards, already an OP and super-boring class in 5E are just improved. Only improvements - huge ones in some cases (Memorize Spell is both on-theme and incredibly obnoxious, like that's Wizard fantasy material), and all make Wizards better at being Wizards - whereas stuff like this? Doesn't make you a better Barbarian. Doesn't make you a better front-liner. Compared to some abilities, it makes you a worse one, because you've got that instead of something making YOU better at fighting, and your job is fighting.