The Knight of Swords is fierce and sure of what he wants. He will stop at nothing to get it. If you see this card in a reading, it indicates that a big change is coming your way and that you will need to do work if you wish to have a positive outcome.
The main mood of this card is positive, but it is not without a struggle on your part to seize this. You must persevere and move forward, even if it is with baby steps.
This card is a clarion call for tenacity and perseverance, an invitation to fortify your resolve and work assiduously towards your aspirations. While the road may be arduous, the upright Knight of Swords guarantees that steadfast dedication and unwavering commitment will not go unrewarded.
Let us find out more on what happens when the Knight of Swords appears here in a tarot card reading!
Table of Contents
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Knight of Swords tarot meaning, and its connection to love, career, and life, given below is a quick overview of the most important words & key meanings connected to this Court card.
Upright | bravery, accomplishment, big changes, seize the moment, tenacity |
Reversed | being stagnant, laziness, missed opportunities, go with the flow, self-doubt |
The Knight of Swords tarot card brims with spiritual symbolism, presenting a visual narrative that is as compelling as it is deeply meaningful.

At the center of the tableau is the Knight himself, resolutely astride his robust steed, his white horse encapsulating the formidable strength of spirit. He charges fearlessly and resolutely into the fray, symbolizing the drive to conquer adversities and obstacles, and the resolve to relentlessly pursue one’s goals.
The looming storm in the sky behind him symbolizes imminent challenges and upheavals. Yet, this Knight does not waver. His unflinching gaze and steadfast determination serve as a powerful testament to his courage. He does not fear the the stormy clouds; he sees it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. This invites us to approach our life’s struggles with optimism and valor, turning adversities into opportunities for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
His white steed, a profound emblem of purity and innocence, reflects the Knight’s moral integrity and ethical principles. It suggests an unwavering commitment to truth, reminding us to remain true to our values, even when faced with daunting obstacles. The unbridled energy and momentum of the steed underline the need for action oriented forward momentum, reinforcing the theme of swift, decisive action.
The Knight’s expression is resolute, radiating an intense drive to prevail and push forward, regardless of the odds. It portrays the mental discipline and determination required to stay the course, a spiritual reminder that our willpower and mental acuity are potent weapons in the battles we face.
The card’s color palette, dominated by blues, whites, and grays, adds a deeper spiritual dimension. The blues denote intellectual vigor and clarity of thought, the whites symbolize purity and righteousness, while the grays convey the wisdom born from life’s challenges.
In totality, the Knight of Swords tarot card is a spiritual manifesto, exhorting us to bravely face our challenges, persist in our pursuits, and uphold our values, all while maintaining mental clarity and moral integrity. It encourages us to see beyond the immediate chaos and struggle, offering a vision of spiritual resilience and growth through adversities.
The Knight of Swords in the upright position indicates a change is coming. If you have been waiting for something new to happen in your life, this shift is surely on the horizon. A change in job, relationship, location, or health/financial status might shake things up soon. Change is never easy, but to reach your full potential, you will need to press forward.
The Knight of Swords does so without fear and with a heart of confidence and determination to realize his goals. If you show bravery and strength, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The key here is to face your fears, but not to allow them to control the outcome.
Money and Career Meaning
In a financial tarot spread, the Knight of Swords represents a job loss or forced career change. Picture this: one day, you’re comfortably sitting in your well-worn office chair, sipping coffee, and the next, bam! Your world turns upside down. Yes, it’s as thrilling as a roller coaster ride, but remember, thrill can sometimes be fun, right?
In career tarot reading, this card shows ambition, drive and determination.
This stage in your career saga may seem like the sky is falling. It could be as scary as watching a horror movie alone in a dark room. But here’s where you get to play the hero, put on your suit of courage, and leap over the hurdles like an Olympic champ. The essence of this card is to delve deep within, unearth your inner resilience and face this challenging act head-on.
Now, it’s time to unlock the superhero within you. You are destined for success, just as much as a latte is destined to taste divine with the right amount of foam. The question isn’t if you can succeed, but what grand things you would dare to do if failure was as mythical as unicorns. It’s like being handed a magic lamp. So, what’s your wish going to be?
Being tenacious is your new job description. Think of it like doing a bungee jump. You know the leap is intimidating, but the adrenaline rush and the story you get to tell afterward is so worth it. You’ve got to reach out, seize the opportunity, embrace the change, and ride this wave to the shores of success.
Love and Relationships Meaning
The Knight of Swords in a tarot love reading indicates that you may be with a partner who has the same qualities as the Knight himself. He is sure of himself and ready to move past any obstacles that are in his way. With Knight’s energy by your side, you will be able to conquer all obstacles.
It may also mean that a big change is coming in your relationship and that this shift may require some bravery and work on your part to push through. Setting boundaries for yourself, accepting what is, and fighting for what you feel you deserve is key.
If you are single, a strong, independent man may come into your life soon. This introduction may be intimidating or scary for you, but the Knight of Swords assures you that if you face your fears, the resulting relationship will be well worth it.
The presence of this card in a reading might also indicate a big change in your love life, such as a grand proposal. Now is the time to trust in your love and take that next step.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
In the context of mental health though, the Knight of Swords is typically a signal of positive change. It suggests a shift in the status quo of your health condition, likely marking an improvement or recovery.
If you’ve been dealing with an illness or health challenge, the appearance of the Knight of Swords indicates a turn for the better. It is a card that acknowledges your courage and resilience throughout your health struggle and promises a reward for your effort.
The main message from the Knight of Swords is to remain hopeful. It points to the possibility of a long-awaited improvement or relief from health issues. This card encourages optimism as it suggests that a beneficial change in your health situation is imminent.
The Knight of Swords reversed signifies a big change that has presented itself or is in your future is being overlooked or well being missed completely.

This may be because you are allowing your fear to get the best of you, or because you are unable to seize the moment due to the doubts you have about yourself.
To move past this, you must realize your worth and find the confidence to move forward at all costs. The Knight of Swords can provide the motivation that you need to move past this, so long as you are willing to have faith in yourself and push forward.
When paired with other cards, the Knight of Cups may indicate changes in your relationship, resolutions to a conflict, and unexpected bills or proposals. Below you can find the most important Knight of Cups combinations.
When the Knight of Swords and the Knight of Cups appear together in a reading, it is often an indication of a romantic change impending in your life. Your partner may come to you and present stronger feelings and express wanting to move to the next level.
You will both be confident and calm in your decision, and you can both rest easy that moving forward in your relationship with confidence will yield a positive result. Changes in a relationship can be intimidating or scary, but don’t let that fear get in the way of claiming the future that is rightfully yours.
This combination could foresee a surprise bill coming in the mail. This won’t be something that you were expecting, and it may take you some time to gather the needed resources to deliver yourself from this expense.
The Knight of Swords promises that you will be successful in overcoming this surprise, though, as long as you stand steadfast in your plan to resolve the matter and remain confident in your abilities. There is no need to fear – this will effect change in your life, but the outcome will be positive overall.
The Knight of Swords and the Queen of Swords combination promises resolution to a conflict. You will need to use your prior knowledge and remain confident in your words, and you will be delivered from the conflict that ails you.
You can work toward a resolution without fear that you will make things worse – it is in the cards that you will succeed triumphantly!
If you see this combination with the King of Cups in your reading, prepare for a proposal from a lover that you may not be willing to oblige to. You will need to trust in yourself, and you must not waiver from your decision at any cost.
If you do, it is sure to turn out badly for you both. As long as you remember to stand your ground, the issue will be resolved, and you can move forward with this person stronger than ever.
Not only the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck made a beautiful illustration of the Knight as a fierce and confident young man. Below you can find some other beautiful Knight of Swords tarot cards.

As a summary, you’ll find the answers to the most frequently asked tarot questions about the Knight of Swords card meaning. If your question isn’t answered after reading this article, just send a message.
What is the Meaning of the Knight of Swords?
Have you been waiting for something new to happen in your life? If so, this shift is surely on the horizon when the Knight of Swords shows up in your reading. A change in job, relationship, location, or health/financial status might shake things up soon.
What does the Knight of Swords mean in a Love Reading?
In a Love Reading, the Knight of Swords indicates that you may be with a partner who has the same qualities as the Knight himself. With him by your side, you will be able to conquer all obstacles. If you are single, a strong, independent man may come into your life soon.
What Zodiac Sign is the Knight of Swords?
The Suit of Swords is connected to the Air Signs: Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. The Knight of this suit is the fixed/mutable card of swords and as such related to the Zodiac Sign Gemini.
Is the Knight of Swords a Yes or No?
The Knight of Swords doesn’t give a definite yes or no answer to your question. Instead, this card is an indication that you need to find the answer to your question from within.
That’s all for this card’s tarot meaning! If you have pulled the upright or reversed Knight of Swords card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?