All Iconic Weapon Locations in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Sunday, August 18, 2024
Weapon Perk LocationAgaou (Axe)Crit Hits with throws emit a shockwave that can damage multiple enemies.Loot the corpse of the boss in the hideout near the Luxor High Wellness Spafast travel point.Alabai (Power Shotgun)Grants a chance to inflict a unique burn on the enemy. Shooting an enemy affected by this burn always deals Crit Damage. The more enemies simultaneously affected by this burn, the more Crit Damage you deal but at the cost of accuracy.Obtained from Airdrops.Ambition (Tech Pistol)Hits have a chance to apply Blinding and bonus headshot damage for the its duration.Save Hassan in the Prototype in the Scraper gig.Baby Boomer (Two-Handed Club)Every consecutive attack in a combo increases Crit Chance.In the mission "Dazed and Confused," when talking to Lina, choose the dialogue option, "Convince him that he's a clone created by the FIA."  Bald Eagle (Power Revolver)After throwing Iconic Knife, Fang into an enemy’s leg, shooting the same leg will shred it to pieces, and return Fang to your hand. Effective against moving targets.Side with Reed and kill Kurt Hansen.Crime Stopper (Smart Pistol)Rounds have a chance to disable cyber-limbs, immobilizing the enemy and increasing Crit damage. Crit chance is momentarily increased after equipping this weapon.Loot the DA's VIP Suit during the "Heaviest of Hearts" gig.Cheetah (Power Pistol)The nearer the target, the greater the Crit and Bleeding Chance. Hits to an enemy’s torso also deal more damage.Loot Angie's corpse in the "No Easy Way Out" gig.Cut-O-Matic X-Mod2 (Chainsword)No particular perk, instead, "the unsettling noise this weapon produces will alert enemies and cause Civilians to panic." Loot the head in the small area adjacent to the Scavengers' Criminal activity in Terra Cognita.Dezerter (Power Double-Barrel Shotgun)Neutralizing an enemy engulfs you in flames except when your Health is low, granting a movement speed boost and increased Mitigation Chance.Let Rinder live in the "The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman" gig, and loot his stash.Fang (Knife)Thrown hits cripple the target enemy when thrown, preventing their escape. Continuing attacks in close combat increases damage.Side with Reed and kill Kurt Hansen.Gwynbleidd (Sword)Deals extra damage against bosses. After killing enemies in rapid succession, all attacks are temporarily guaranteed Crit Hits. The effect refreshes after quickly killing another enemy. If your Health is low, all attacks are guaranteed Crit Hits regardless of kills.Must own The Witcher 3 on Steam or Epic Games Store, and link those accounts to GOG.Gris-Gris (Tech Revolver)Each hit has a chance to upload a random quickhack to an enemy. The stronger the quickhack, the smaller the upload chance.Loot the case in Slider's hideout during the "Treating the Symptoms" gig.Hercules 3AX (Smart Assault Rifle)Has a chance to severely poison enemies. Neutralizing an enemy causes them to explode and leave a pool of acid.Loot the weapon box in the armory during the "Roads to Her Majesty (Power Pistol)While Optical Camo is active, this weapon's shots gain perfect accuracy and guaranteed headshot Crits with increased damage. It also has a silencer.Obtained from Alex during the main quest, "Get it Together."Hawk (Power Assault Rifle)Headshots temporarily weaken and mark enemies.Found in V's hideout in Dogtown.Kyubi X-Mod 2 (Power Assault Rifle) Found inside a poison pool near the Golden Pacific fast travel point. Laika (Tech Revolver) Grant a chance to inflict a unique burn on the enemy. Shooting an enemy affected by this burn always deals Crit damage. The more enemies affected by this burn, the more Crit damage you deal but at the cost of accuracy.Obtained from Airdrops.Mancinella (Power Revolver)Headshots have a chance to apply poison. After entering combat, your stealth damage bonus remains momentarily active.Obtained from Mr. Hands at the Heavy Hearts club after accepting the "Run This Town" mission.Murphy's Law (One-Handed Club)Hits against a knocked-down enemy increase attack speed. Strong attacks deal more damage.Side with Songbird and kill Murphy.Ogou (Smart Pistol)Fires a burst of two explosive rounds. Hits have a high chance of dismemberment. Each dismemberment increases Crit chance and chance to apply bleeding.Kill and loot R MK.II robot boss in the "Treating the Symptoms" gig.Ol' Reliable (Power Revolver)  Kill and loot Dante in the "Shot By Both Sides" gig. Pariah (Tech Pistol)Headshots reduce charge time and increase reload speed.Side with Songbird and kill Solomon Reed. Pizdets (Smart Submachine Gun)Fire rate increases with each consecutive shot.Kill and loot Ribokov during the "Spy in the Jungle" gig.Rasetsu (Tech Sniper Rifle)Charged rounds now penetrate through enemies and will bend their trajectory to hit multiple enemies simultaneously.Obtained in the Sniper nest of the "You Know My Name" quest. Riskit (Power Pistol) When your health is low, weapon handling is improved and all hits are Crits.Kill (or let Dante kill )Bree in the "Shot By Both Sides" gig. Rosco (Power Revolver) Shooting an enemy first in the leg and then in the head will neutralize them on the spot. Headshots against enemies lying on the ground always do Crit damage. Kill and loot Dodger's corpse in the "Waiting for Dodger" gig.Sparky (Power Sniper Rifle)Rounds fired from this weapon emit electric bolts on each headshot.Found inside a weapon case in the Scavengers' hideout in the Aerospace center of the Terra Cognita. Scorch (Tech Pistol)Charged shots that hit an enemy affected by Burn are automatically replenished in the magazine. Must own the Phantom Liberty expansion and Gwent on Steam, and link the Steam account to GOG.Wild Dog (Power Light Machine Gun) Repeated hits increase fire rate and Crit chance. Quick Melee Attacks deal massive damage when ammo is empty.Side with Reed and kill Kurt Hansen.Taigan (Power Revolver)Grants a chance to inflict a unique burn on the enemy. Shooting an enemy affected by this burn always deals Crit Damage. The more enemies simultaneously affected by this burn, the more Crit Damage you deal but at the cost of accuracy.Obtained from Airdrops.Volkodav (Machete)Grants a chance to inflict a unique burn on the enemy. The more enemies simultaneously affected by this burn, the more Crit Damage you deal but at the cost of accuracy.Found in a case in the "Waiting for Dodger" gig. 
