Should you give your eye to Auntie Ethel in Baldurs Gate 3?

Posted by Tobi Tarwater on Thursday, July 25, 2024

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game rife with difficult choices, including when Auntie Ethel offers to ‘kiss’ your eye to rid you of the Mindflayer parasite.

Auntie Ethel regularly appears in the game, often when you least expect it, throwing a wrench in your plans with her questionable actions.

One such time is when she offers to help your Mindflayer parasite problem, by offering to “kiss” your eye and remove the ailment. So, should you accept or is that possibly the worst mistake your character can make? Let’s take a look and find out.

Caution: Minor spoilers ahead.

What happens if you give Auntie Ethel your eye?

Auntie Ethel is a hag in disguise.

Things will go completely wrong if you allow Auntie Ethel to take your eye out in Baldur’s Gate 3 so you shouldn’t allow her to kiss your eye. This old woman is a hag, and not someone as sweet as she appears to be.

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You might be tempted to give your eye for the cure. However, upon doing that, you’ll receive Paid the Price, a permanent debuff for the rest of the game. This will give you +1 on Intimidation checks but a disadvantage on perception checks and attacks against hags.

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Where to find Auntie Ethel?

You’ll find Auntie Ethel while passing by a tea house on the road to Sunlit Wetlands arguing with two brothers around the southern areas of the map. You can check the image above to find the exact location.

If you choose to follow her questline, she will then lead you to her sunlit grove which is later revealed to be a dank swamp as she offers you the trade to remove the Mindflayer parasite.

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Now you know whether or not you should give your eye to Auntie Ethel the hag. If you’re wondering what these Mind Flayer parasites are, you can check out the Illithids’ powers and who they are. You can also take a look at the fastest ways to level up if you wish to take out Ethel in a boss battle.
