Do you keep dreaming of spiders? It can be pretty scary, especially if you suffer from arachnophobia. There is something pretty creepy about spiders, and they are always even creepier in your dreams!
TV shows and movies have not helped and definitely influence our unconsciousness, with giant arachnids appearing ominously in our dreams. I am probably not the only one who has met Aragog in my sleep after a late-night watch of The Chamber of Secrets!
However, did you know that there might be a reason why you are dreaming of spiders? Of course, you may just be dreaming of them because they are super scary, but there may be a positive reason why you are dreaming of them!
In this article, we will look at what dreaming of spiders might mean for you, and what you can learn from your dreams.
Why Our Dreams Are Important
I wanted to first talk about dreams in general, and why they are a really important tool for understanding our psyche. Ever since humanity began, we have considered dreams as having great value.
Dreams are a mystery. We spend so much of our lives asleep but lack a true understanding of why we dream. Some people accept this mystery, knowing that there are things in the world that we can really never understand.
However, both psychologists and spiritualists have worked hard to get an insight into why we might dream. Many spiritualists believe that through dreaming, we are opening our souls up to new levels of consciousness. Others believe that dreams allow us to connect to higher powers and spirit guides.

You probably have heard of Freud, right? The infamous psychologist changed how we understood the mind, and he was pretty interested in dreams. For Freud, dreams were key to understanding our subconsciousness and therefore our true fears and desires. He argued that we repress a lot of our memories and trauma, and therefore they appear in the dream world.
However, our dreams aren’t straightforward and easy to understand. Just because we are dreaming of snakes or spiders doesn’t mean we are afraid of snakes or spiders! Our mind is actually using them as a metaphor for our real fears or desires.
This means that, to truly follow our path in life and understand ourselves through and through, we must pay attention to our dreams.
Dreaming of Spiders Meaning
Now we know the importance of dreams, we can look at what dreaming of spiders might mean for you.
There are different reasons why you might be dreaming of spiders, and it is important to consider the context of your dream.
Is the dream a nightmare, where you feel afraid of the spiders? Do you feel threatened by their presence? Or, perhaps you feel calm and safe.
Are any other animals appearing in your dream? Where are you in the dream? Is there anyone around you, or are you by yourself?
Let’s look at some common dreams that involve spiders, and what they might mean for you.
Dreaming of Killing Spiders
When you dream of killing animals, it isn’t because of a subconscious desire to harm living things, so don’t panic!
In fact, dreaming of killing spiders is a pretty common dream and is actually quite positive if you have a fear of spiders. Because spiders are an infamous cause of fear, from the huge tarantulas that people keep as pets to the small ones you find in your bathtub, dreaming of killing them can signify the killing of something you fear.
Something in your waking life is probably bothering you right now, and hopefully, it isn’t a spider infestation! It may be something to do with work or your friendship circle. By dreaming of killing spiders, your subconsciousness is telling you that you are ready to get rid of the annoying thing in your life!
The spider might also represent your anxiety. If you are stressed about something, with your fears holding you back, dreaming of killing spiders is an encouraging sign from your psyche. It serves as a reminder of your strength and your ability to conquer your fears!
Dreaming of Spiders and Webs
There is something pretty unsettling about spider webs. When I used to work in bars, I remember having to go down to the cellars and change the kegs really carefully because of the huge spider webs that tangled themselves around everything.
Now, I am not really scared of spiders, but the idea of getting my hair tangled in their webs really freaked me out.
But, what does it mean if you are dreaming of spider webs?
It normally is a warning from your subconsciousness that you are feeling stuck in a situation, and it is really getting to you. You are wanting to free yourself, but you are unsure of the best way out.

Dreaming of spider’s webs will typically be regarding a relationship with another person in your life. It may be a friend or a family member, but this person is making you feel pretty suffocated right now! It is time to either distance yourself or sit down and have a chat with them about how you feel.
The spider’s web might also signify a work situation or any other responsibilities or engagements that you have in your life. You may be feeling pretty overwhelmed about your workload or things that you have promised people.
If you are dreaming of spider webs, take a step back and look at what is getting to you in life! It might be easier to resolve than you first thought.
Dreaming of Spiders Biting You
Spider bites are probably one of the biggest fears when it comes to these little arachnids. Even if you live in a country without poisonous spiders, you still might be afraid of spider bites and what might happen to your body if you get bitten.
Dreaming of spiders biting you isn’t actually a bad thing, though. It normally represents your subconscious need to identify and accept pain in your life.
Okay, this might sound a bit weird, but hear me out.
Pain and trauma are, unfortunately, a part of life. If a bad thing has recently happened to us, for example, if someone has hurt our feelings, we typically will have the self-preservation reaction of ignoring or denying our pain.
However, by ignoring or denying our pain, we are not letting ourselves heal. Our subconsciousness knows this, as it can still feel the pain pretty intensely!
If you are dreaming of spiders biting you, your subconsciousness is telling you that you need to feel the pain! By feeling the pain and accepting it, you are able to move on from it and heal.
Dreaming of Loads of Spiders
Dreaming of loads of spiders is pretty overwhelming, and this is because it represents something that is overwhelming you in your waking life.
This can represent your current situation. Perhaps you are taking on too many responsibilities right now, and you are feeling burdened. You may have a lot of work on, and family commitments that are stretching your abilities. You may be feeling as if you have no time for yourself to relax and recuperate!
Your subconsciousness is telling you that you need to rejig your life a bit and work out what you need to do to overcome the pressures you are under. It is really helpful to talk to your friends and family if you are feeling overwhelmed. It is often surprising how better it feels to get a helping hand from a loved one! People are there for you and are wanting to support you.
It is really important to take time for yourself to do whatever you want to do. If you are feeling stressed, exploring your spiritual side can be really helpful. Using crystals and practicing yoga are great ways to distress and take the time out you need from the hectic modern world!
Dreaming Spiders Are Crawling On You
Dreaming of spiders crawling on you is a pretty horrible dream. It is amazing how our subconscious uses our senses when we dream, and there is nothing more irritating than the feeling of millions of creepy crawlies on your body.
As you can imagine, dreaming spiders are crawling on you is a big sign that something annoying is slowly taking over your life. You are trying to brush it off and carry on as normal, but it is really getting to you.

What is this irritating thing in your life? Could it be a person? Perhaps the spiders represent someone you work with or someone in your social circles. This person is obviously getting to you right now, even though you are trying your best to ignore them!
The annoying spiders crawling all over you might actually represent yourself! Perhaps you are behaving in a pretty irritating way, not making the right choices in life, and putting tasks off. Your subconscious knows that your behavior isn’t the best. You are trying to ignore your bad habits, but doing this will only make things worse.
Dreaming of Spiders In Your Hair
Another nighttime terror that will definitely give you the heebie-jeebies is dreaming of spiders in your hair. This is a pretty interesting one though, as we have to consider what our hair represents for us in order to fully understand what our subconsciousness is trying to tell us.
Our hair normally symbolizes an important part of our personality. It represents our health, our inner strength, and our passions.
So, if you are dreaming of spiders in your hair, it suggests that something is getting in the way of your true path in life. Something is impacting your health and wellbeing, and it will soon become a big issue if not faced!
It is important to identify what the spider represents. It could be a health issue that you are avoiding or a general way that you are treating your body. Or, perhaps external forces are getting in the way. You are not able to live your true life until this issue is identified and resolved.
Dreaming of Spiders In Your Bed
If you are dreaming of spiders in your bed, there is something or someone in your life that is threatening your personal space and privacy.
Our bed is our ultimate sanctuary. It is ours, and the place where we escape the world around us to relax, rest, and recuperate. If you are dreaming of spiders in your bed, something is threatening this sanctuary. Is someone annoying you? Do you feel as if they are constantly crossing the line with you? You need to reiterate your personal values and space, and make sure they know where they stand!

This threat to your personal place of sanctuary and safety might also be coming from within. Are you struggling from low self-esteem, with anxious thoughts affecting your happiness? This can be represented by the spiders in your bed, ruining your ability to truly relax and rest. This can be a really difficult thing to deal with, but it is time for change!
Start with little steps by practicing self-love affirmations daily. You may also wish to look into natural home remedies for anxiety to combat negative thoughts.
The Symbolic Meaning of a Spider
To fully understand why spiders appear in our dreams, it can be useful to look at the general symbolic meaning of a spider.
The spider can have both a positive symbolic meaning and a negative one. They can often symbolize skillfulness and abundance, as their webs are an art form with intricate patterns. They can also represent creativity and femininity.
However, the spider can also be a symbol of trickery and craftiness. Spiders are cunning, laying a trap for their prey to fall into.
The Spider as A Spirit Animal
If you do not relate to any of the reasons why you are dreaming of spiders, it could be because the spider is actually your spirit animal.
Our spirit animals will often appear in our dreams to guide us. They are a type of spirit guide, helping us on our path to enlightenment and peace. Our spirit animal can be anything! Sometimes it is an animal that we once knew in our lives or a type of animal that we feel connected with.
Spider spirit animals represent patience and manifestation. If they are appearing in your dreams, your spirit animal is reminding you of your own personal power. It is also important to know the necessity of time.
Sometimes, we have to wait for good things to come to us. In order to allow these good things to come, we must practice manifesting and focus our minds on the future. However, we must remember that good things take time, and we can’t get what we want straight away!
Are You Dreaming of Spiders?
There are quite a few reasons why you might be dreaming of spiders, and it is important to think about the context in which the spiders occur in order to fully understand what your subconsciousness is telling you.
Spiders can signify problems in your life, but they can also signify your ability to face hurt and trauma and move on with your spiritual path. If you are feeling trapped and anxious, it is time to act now in order to create and manifest the positivity that you deserve in your life.
If you are interested in dreams and how to fully access the dream world, check out our article on lucid dreaming. This powerful tool is an amazing way to explore your subconscious and the spiritual world!