How to Get The Palia Twitch Drops For December 2023

Posted by Patria Henriques on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
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Palia is a wholesome online world where players can live out a fantasy life alongside a cast of wonderful characters. While there are various in-game upgrades and items to unlock, players can also get unique cosmetics, and now Twitch is offering them, too.

Dozens of game developers team up with Twitch to reward players for watching their games with in-game cosmetics they can’t get elsewhere. Palia is no exception, and Singularity Six has teamed up with the streaming platform to bring some incredible rewards to players. Twitch Drops are usually held around the same time as major updates, so returning players can make the most of them too. In this article, we’ve explained how to get every batch of Palia Twitch Drops and what’s on offer.

Related: Palia: How to Unlock The Glider

How to Get The Palia Twitch Drops for December 2023

To get the latest Palia Twitch Drops, which are available between December 14 and 29, 2023, players must watch a streamer on Twitch playing Palia while Twitch Drops are enabled. Then, they’ll need to open their Twitch Drops Inventory and claim the items they have earned for Palia by linking their account to Twitch.

What are the Twitch Drops Items for Palia for December 2023?

The rewards are split into two waves. The first wave, which is available between December 14 and 21, 2023, awards players with a new carpet for watching one hour and a large plushie for watching two and a half hours of Palia on Twitch.

The second wave of Palia Twitch Drops, which is available between December 22 and 29, 2023, rewards players with a new rug for watching one hour, pawprint wallpaper for watching two and a half hours, and cat sunglasses for watching three and a half hours of Palia in total.

Do Palia Twitch Drops Ever Come Back?

Developer Singularity Six has previously explained in a blog post regarding Twitch Drops that they may return in the future, but nothing is certain. The game is still in active development, with new players joining all the time and needing new systems to get to grips with and learn, so it makes sense that effort would be put in there rather than bringing back old cosmetics.

However, we never say never, and we know it’s always possible for older cosmetics to return to a game, even if years pass between their availability. We recommend all Palia players try to get every Twitch Drop they can before they’re gone. That way, they won’t have any regret about missing out on what could become the most desirable items in the game.

About the author

Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp

Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp is a Staff Writer at Gamepur. He's been writing about games for ten years and has been featured in Switch Player Magazine, Lock-On, and For Gamers Magazine. He's particularly keen on working out when he isn't playing games or writing or trying to be the best dad in the world.

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